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2023-10-07 17:45:16

First, Pu'er tea and Liu Pao tea are suitable for sending to elders

Many people who have drunk tea for more than ten years or even decades are tea experts, they have drunk a variety of tea, and the requirements for tea are very high, so if it is a gift to such elders, it must not be sent indiscriminately.

Generally speaking, they like old teas such as Pu'er tea and Liu Pao tea, especially old Liu Pao tea, which is mild and very suitable for the elderly; If it is to send Pu'er tea, it is best to send ripe pu instead of raw pu, ripe pu tea does not have great irritation to the stomach of the elderly, and generally the elderly who like ripe pu are also a little more.


Second, flower tea and black tea are suitable for women

In life, there are many ladies who like to taste tea, and tea artists are generally more women. Women generally love to drink black tea, flower tea, if you don't want to step on the thunder, it is best to choose these two, these two teas are good for women's health, can moisturize the lungs, nourish the stomach and warm the body, can reflect the full intention of the tea giver.


3. Successful people are suitable for giving famous tea

If you want to deliver tea to leaders or successful people, then pay attention! This kind of people generally like to drink tea, and they are tea experts, and they have basically tasted the famous good tea, so they can't send it indiscriminately! If it is sent too low-grade, it will bring counterproductive effects, at this time it is best to send some famous tea, either more expensive, or rarer, but don't be sloppy.

Fourth, the tea delivery should consider the tea age of the other party

Another extremely important point in sending tea leaves is to consider the other party's tea drinking age, that is, how many years of tea have been drunk! Because people of different tea ages have completely different requirements for the taste of tea. If you are a new tea friend, it is suitable to send tea leaves with a light taste, such as green tea, yellow tea, and green tea; If you are an old tea friend, it is best to consider tea with a stronger and more fragrant taste, such as Liu Pao tea, Pu'er tea, Wuyi rock tea, aged Tie Guanyin, etc., most of the old tea friends prefer it.

Fifth, when delivering tea, you should also consider the physique of the other party

When delivering tea, physique is the point we tend to overlook, but it is also a very important point!

There are many types of tea, because its production process is not used and its tea properties are also different. For those who sit in the office for a long time, smoke often, or have a hot physique, it is recommended to give tea cold tea, such as green tea and white tea; Those who are cold and weak are recommended to give tea with mild nature, such as black tea and black tea. People with high mood swings, nervousness, and stress are suitable for giving tea with a peaceful nature, such as green tea.

Next:Why drink tea2023-10-08


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